Welcome to my blog. I'm probably very much like all of you who love the needlearts. My life revolves around family, friends, home and all things that help to make for a more contented life. When time allows; cooking, gardening, decorating, and collecting are my joys. I look forward to sharing all of these things with you. I also hope to keep you up to date on what is going on at Homespun Elegance, in regard to the needlework designs and the "Plain & Fancy Wares" that we offer.

Wishing you "Many Happy Stitches".

Saturday, June 29, 2013


Good Afternoon Everyone!
OH MY GOSH is it HOT in
Managed to water flowers this AM, but
forget anything else that has to do with yard
work.  I am already sick of VA humidity.
Everyone says ~ "you must get used to it".  
Been here all my life and as I get older it
is harder to take.  There are lots of things I
like about the olde days, but not having 
air conditioning was brutal.
I remember sleeping at the foot of my bed
in front of an open window at night.
Even miserable as a kid.  The only good
thing was that I could smell the honey
suckle growing in the field next to the house
and listen to the Whippoorwills sing.  We
never hear them anymore.  Whatever could
have happened to them?  Do you hear them
in your "neck of the woods"?
I don't know if you remember, but a few years
ago, my daughter, Hollis, ventured into
designing and had some really lovely things.
Many of which are still selling and I am getting
ready to do a composite of one of her
series, "The Littles", as they are about to be
"out of print" as single leaflets. 
Well, planning a wedding, getting married, working, 
having a baby, meant any thoughts of designing
were gone.  Fast forward and with the influence
of little Avery, baby designs are coming to mind.
We will be working on these together. We will 
collaborate on ideas, concepts, and designs,
but her expertise with color and presentation
being the most important part.
She knows what young women are looking for.
Being the "grammie", I am thinking traditional
stuff, and there will be a little of that too.
Please excuse the color.  I did these on the scanner, so
it is way off, but I think you can get the idea.  They are 
also not mounted yet, just stuffed in the frame.  I'm sure
you noticed ~ they are very crooked.
The frames are new too.  Our "Shabby but Sweet" line.
Please let us know what you think.  We are very 
excited  about this new line for "Wee Ones".
is the next line of designs.
Very clever stuff for all ages ~
even me! 
"Many Happy Stitches",

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Crow Patriotic Box

Good Afternoon Everyone!
Wanted to offer you my 
~~ Crow Patriotic ~~ 
Paper Mache Box.
SOLD FOUR ~ have some left!

I found more
of these square boxes in my stash,
so I'm doing some more of these popular
boxes.  I did another version of this
a few years ago, but this one is
different.  I decoupaged it with a print of 
one of my paintings.  The boxes are then
glazed for that "prim" look.  They measure
4" square and 2" deep.  There is a sweet
little scalloped border all around the top
edge of the box.
 ($15.50 ~ this includes the shipping)
To place along side your box, wouldn't it
be neat to stitch my
"Crow Patriotic" Stitching Necessarie
and Scissor Fob
It is $7.50
If you should choose to order the publication, I may
have to add more shipping unfortunately.  I'll see,
haven't figured that out yet.
I take Paypal, Visa, Mastercard, and checks.
If you email me with an order, please include
your shipping address.  If using Paypal, please
include the email that is connected with
your Paypal account.
Just email or call me
"Many Happy Stitches",

Saturday, June 22, 2013

A Few Things For You

Good Afternoon Everyone!
I spent the morning in my garden before it got
too hot.  Finally got most of my plants in
the ground.  Just a few more to go, then I 
can sit back and watch them grow.
Remember earlier in the spring when I told
you we were killing two over -grown
flower beds.  Well we did it.  I must
admit that Lehmer did most of the really
hard work.
Now I am having the fun of redesigning
these beds.  Never again will I cram dozens 
and dozens of plants together.  I have
vowed to leave enough room around any
and all plants so I can weed, fertilize, and
dead head without the fear of a copperhead
moccasin biting me.
The front bed is going to be my white bed
with a few large pink rose bushes 
as anchor plants.  I love white flowers, they
just glow at night.  Anyway, I'll post
some pictures soon.
Now, for a few goodies.  Hopefully, you'll
find something you like.
Valdani # 8 Pearl Cotton.  
This was previously listed incorrectly
 as floss.  If you would like to have this set,
 it is ~
Includes the shipping too!
Candle Wrap Project Pack
I had these at the shoppe.  We sold those wonderful
waxed candles too, but they are long gone.
You will receive two cross stitch designs, the linen
banding (about a 27/28 count)
to make two and the cording to tie them on
 a 4" candle. All finishing instructions are included
Includes the shipping too!
"Necessary Room" Door Hanging
I have this hanging on my bathroom door.  It is
so cute.  A 4" wooden disk (painted brick red) 
hangs in the center of a grape vine wreath.  
It hangs from a jute cord.
Includes the shipping too!
"Sheltering Tree" Bookmarks
This little bookmark was made from one of my
paintings.  A subsequent needlework design
was done based on the painting.  I'll show you 
that in a minute.
Anyway, I have some of these bookmarks.
They come in a set of 6 for ~
Includes the shipping too!
This is the stitched version.
"Sheltering Tree"
"Vintage Spools"
A wonderful set of three spools with great original
fibers.  They are approximately 9" long.
I have two sets.  Please refer to them by the #.
Set #1 ~ $16.00
(includes the shipping too)
 Set #2 ~ $16.00
(includes the shipping too)
Hope you see something you cannot live
without.  I take Paypal, Visa, Mastercard,
and checks.  If you order something using
Paypal, please send me your email
address used with your account.
"Many Happy Stitches",

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Look What Is Coming

Good Afternoon!
I know there are many of you that like "marking
samplers" and I think this is the queen of "marking
samplers".  I know Marly of Samplers and Santas Blog 
loves them.  What do you think Marly?  
Faye (who works with me) found
this wonderful sampler and has allowed me
to reproduce it.  I don't know whether to thank her
or smack her.  This looked like an easy "repro" ~
NOT.  It is stitched on a tightly woven, nubby
cotton.  Very hard to count, stitched over two but
not counted correctly between letters, just a
nightmare.  But it will be so worth it.  I've been
working on this for a few months now and this
is all I have gotten stitched.  I have tried to stitch a few
letters or motifs every few night, but of course, I cannot
always get to it because all of my other 
stitching gets in the way.  
My question to you is, 
"Would you like me to keep you 
informed of my progress
every few weeks?"  
If so, I plan to keep track of your
comments on the Blog (not Facebook, please, too
hard to keep track of).  
The people who comment on each of my blog
posts will be put in a drawing, and you will
receive a copy of this wonderful sampler plus
something else wonderful.

My newest designs, 
"Americans Care About Each Other"
"Wicked Fancy Boot" 
from my
Halloween Year II
have been shipped to distributors and my AUTOS,
and put in my ETSY Shoppe.  Hope you love them.
I think they turned out well.
I'll be back soon with some more great things for your
shopping pleasure.  I still have some of my
"CELEBRATE THE USA" Ltd. Ed. kits.
$21.00 ~ this includes the frame and the shipping.
Many Happy Stitches,

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day

Good Evening Everyone!
Hope all of the Fathers out there had a wonderful
day.  Cameron, Hollis and I had a great time planning for
Lehmer's special day and I think he had a
great day.  Lots of his favorite foods and fun.
Avery, of course, added to the fun, even though
he has a bad summer cold. 
This is a short post, but I have to get ready to
go to Richmond in the morning.  Be back in 
touch with you soon.
Many Happy Stitches,

Thursday, June 13, 2013

New Designs

Good Evening Everyone!
I want to present my two new designs.

A Halloween Year II - April
"A Wicked Fancy Boot"
Both of these will be shipped to my AUTOS
and distributors next week.
I hope you like them.  Please let me know what 
you think.
Now I want to thank all of you for the orders
for my 
Ltd. Ed. Kit
I still have some left, so it isn't too late.
Just think what a wonderful Christmas gift it
would make for a stitching friend ~
 stitched or unstitched.
$21.00 including shipping!
I'm  happy to report that we escaped any problems
from the horrific storm that went through our
area this afternoon.  We did have to go to the
basement because the TV actually named our
subdivision for a possible tornado.  There were
likely tornados in our area, but not in our
neighborhood.  Someone was looking out for us.
As much as I hate snow and ice, I think I prefer
that to this kind of fear. 
Thanks for visiting with me for a while.
Many Happy Stitches,

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Celebrate USA

Good Evening Everyone!
I found a number of these wonderful little
blue frames in my storage unit and decided
I needed to do something patriotic for
them.  I don't have enough to offer all
the shoppes out there, but enough to
offer all of my Blog, Facebook, and Etsy
friends.  I hope these few kits will find
good homes.  Spread the word if you
know someone else who might like one.
~~Complete Kit for $21.00~~
You will get everything - 
28 count linen
 DMC floss
 Tiny brass "star" charm.  

The frame measures 3 1/2" High X 4" Wide.
You will get everything - the design, frame,
28 count linen, DMC floss, and the tiny brass
"star" charm.  
All of this for 
which includes the shipping. (Shipping in the USA -
more out of the country)
I hope you love it.  I think it is really cute.  Sheep
and flags ~ what more can you ask for.
If you want one of these, I take Paypal, Visa,
Master Card, and check.  If using Paypal, I need
the email address connected to your account.  If
you want to use a credit card, please call us or
email your info in two emails for security.
Payment information must be given for me
to hold one of these for you.  
Once again we are on storm alert starting
around 9:30 tonight through tomorrow
evening, with a little break during the day.
Oh great, something else to send my stress
level through the roof.  Boy do I wish we had
never built a house in the middle of the woods.
We've been paying for that decision for
30+ years.  Wish us luck and all the other
areas in the country that will be affected by
this huge storm.
I'll be back tomorrow with some more news.
Many Happy Stitches,

Sunday, June 9, 2013


Hi Everyone!
I wonder if any of you out there in Blog land
get as frustrated with computers and all the
confusion that goes along with having to live
in a "technical" world.  Well, I hate them
and only do it because I have to.  Not a week
goes by that I wouldn't like to throw them out
of a window and never look back.  If it
wasn't for my son, Cameron, helping me all
of the time, I would have given up long ago.
Well, I want to share a picture with you
that I think will bring a smile to your face.
Avery staring at a computer screen with
a look of "exasperation".   Truly though
he probably knows more about computers 
at 22 months than I do.  I certainly know that
he likes them more than I do.

He was looking at a Fisher Price program about
learning the alphabet.  Such concentration.
So cute.  
Believe me I don't look cute when I am glaring
at the computer screen.
Back soon!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Storage Unit Find

Good Afternoon!
Found something else in the Storage Unit that
I thought someone might like.  I hand-painted this
little lamp and the shade.  Perfect for a small spot
of light.  Uses a 40 Watt bulb only and puts off
soft light as you can see from the picture.

Shade is 10" in diameter at bottom and 4 1/2" 
diameter at top.  The lamp is 15" tall including
the shade.  The base is 4 1/2" in diameter.
It uses a 40 watt bulb.

 $50.00 + shipping
(can only ship in the USA)
I take Paypal, Visa, and Mastercard.  If you use
Paypal please send me your email used with your
account.  For everyone, I need your address to
figure the shipping.  Please call with Credit Card
information for security.
Many Happy Stitches,

Friday, June 7, 2013

Sale Stuff

Hi Everyone!
and FACEBOOK for all of your sweet comments
about our little Avery and his new haircut.
I complained to Hollis that he gets more
comments than my needlework does.  She said
"Sorry Mom", but I secretly think she was
tickled and so was I.  
In continuing my big "clean out" I found a bunch
of Krenik Au Ver A soie that was used in the
kitting of the Ann Simms Reproduction
Sampler.  We do not kit the sampler anymore
so I have no need to hold on to it.  
this is not a complete set for
Ann Simms, just miscellaneous
skeins left over ~ there are duplicates
in each set.
I am offering them in sets of 8 skeins for $8.00.
If you want all of them, you can have the whole
batch (40 skeins) for $38.00.  The shipping for
each batch is $1.50 and $3.00 for the 
whole batch.  Shipping will be more outside
of the USA.
When ordering, please order by the number
under the picture
I have many, many more FRAMES to sell.  I will be
putting these on ETSY as soon as possible.  Because
there are so many it is just easier to let ETSY do
the work of accepting the orders.  This way it is
truly first come/first serve.

Hope you see something you can't live without!
If you decide to order please include your email
if you are paying with Paypal.  Also, please include
your address.  I take Visa and Mastercard as well.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Avery's Curls

Good Evening Everyone!
Hope this finds everyone OK.  We have been blessed
with a beautiful Spring in Virginia, but it looks like
we might have a tropical storm heading our way
in a few days.  No complaints here though.  We have
been so lucky when so much of the country has had
such a horrible time.  Don't you wish there was
something that could be done to stop all the 
horrible things happening in our country?
When things are so gloomy, I consider myself
lucky that I can look at our little grandson, Avery, and 
feel so blessed to have this little guy to cheer us up.
He is so adorable and so much fun.
I know all of you who follow the Blog have seen
his wonderful curls.  Well, Hollis and Paul decided
that his hair needed to be cut.  I can't tell you how
many times people said something about him 
being a little girl, even though he was dressed
as a boy.  I think that was the deciding factor.
It broke my heart, but I knew it was coming.
Let me show you some before and after
pictures.  Hollis was afraid his hair
would be straight when it was cut, but that
didn't happen.  
It was below his shoulders!
Now, it's above his collar.
He really looks like a little boy now!
Thanks for indulging a proud

Sunday, June 2, 2013

A Little Glimpse

Good Evening Everyone!
Well, it is the end of another weekend.  I always
 think I am going to get so much done and usually
I am very disappointed.  Well, I am proud to
say that Lehmer and I got a lot on our list
accomplished.  As I have talked about before,
we have been paying rent on a storage unit
for four years.  It is full of stuff left from the
shoppe.  Well, we made a dent in it.  Moved
quite a lot of stuff home to the upstairs of our
garage.  Still have to get rid of what we moved
but at least it is home and not there.  Still have
 a ways to go.  Lots of antique and vintage
props and furniture that I guess we will be
putting on Craig's List.  Wish all of you lived
closer, I would certainly have a Homespun
Elegance Yard Sale.  That would be so
much fun.
Found lots of boxes filled with more frames,
fabric, fibers, etc.  Hope to get all of that
on the blog or Etsy in the near future.
Also, got out and picked up some flowers
for my garden.  Still have to get everything
planted, but that will wait until next week.
This is what I have to share with you ~
"Americans Care About Each Other" ~
my newest design.
I had showed you a few other designs, but I think
I want to get this one finished in time for July 4th.
Just seems more appropriate and I think it is so
true of Americans.  We do care about each.
Hope you like this "little glimpse".
I'll be leaving in the morning to take care of Avery
Monday and Tuesday.  Hope to have more to
share when I return and more to offer you from
the storage unit.
Thank you so much for all of your orders this
past week.  
Many Happy Stitches,