Hi Everyone!
I hope everyone had a better week than I had.
It was a real bear. I really don't like to be
negative and complain too much on my blog, but
I do want you to understand why my designing /
production level has not been up to par of late.
This past week was just the crowning blow. On
Monday Avery got sick and we had to take him to
the emergency room at 11:00 at night, Hollis had
some medical issues earlier in the day and then,
I began to suffer with a recurring problem that I
have been dealing with since April. All is well
with Hollis and Avery is recovering from some
nasty virus/bacterial thing that resulted in two
ear infections. The way he was coughing and
crying that night I thought he had whooping
cough and it scared me to death. Grammie
overreacting, but he was in terrible pain and
so sick. He needed to be seen immediately.
It is just amazing how quickly they can go
from being OK to that. He had a slight cough
on Sunday and Monday night it mushroomed.
As for me, I have been dealing with a nerve problem
in my right arm and wrist (Ulnar Nerve Compression),
that starting with tingling in my little finger and next
finger. This all began in April. A few days after
it began I developed an excruciating pain that
went up my arm into my shoulder. When this
is occurring I can do nothing but try to deal
with the pain. Working on the computer is
impossible because I cannot reach to the keyboard
or move the mouse without sending it into orbit.
Unfortunately, I am the only one who designs,
graphs, types up the publications, prints them, etc.
The end result of this is probably going to be
surgery of some sort. I had the nerve study done
and it was inconclusive, so the next step will be
an MRI on my wrist and neck. Everything takes
forever, I have to wait three more weeks before
seeing the Doctor again. I am calling tomorrow to
see if they can at least set up the appointment
for the MRI's.
This week the pain has been the worst and lasted
the longest period of time. Had to start taking
some real hard core pain medicine.
With that, I'm a little groggy but can function.
Sorry to go on and on. I hope you will bear with
me and be patient if orders are late and my designs
are not forthcoming as quickly as usual. I will
keep you informed. Old age is really the pits!
On the bright side, my
2012 Annual Christmas Ornaments
are stitched and ready to be made into ornaments,
so I wanted to share a little glimpse of them with you.
Once again I am the one to put these together. Never
ending problem here.
The first of my "A Halloween Year" is finished, so that
will be ready to ship soon.
"Many Happy Stitches",