Welcome to my blog. I'm probably very much like all of you who love the needlearts. My life revolves around family, friends, home and all things that help to make for a more contented life. When time allows; cooking, gardening, decorating, and collecting are my joys. I look forward to sharing all of these things with you. I also hope to keep you up to date on what is going on at Homespun Elegance, in regard to the needlework designs and the "Plain & Fancy Wares" that we offer.

Wishing you "Many Happy Stitches".

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Marking Sampler Update

Good Afternoon Everyone!
I know you have probably given up on the 
"Marking Sampler"
 I shared with you for the first time in June.
Well, life gets in the way as you all know and it
kept being shoved aside for something more
important.  Well, I'm finally getting back to it
and trying to do at least two letters or motifs
almost every night.  I'm into the more difficult
letters now, so it is taking a little longer.
Well, the long awaited reveal.  Hope it was 
worth the wait.  Of course, if you have a memory
like mind, you probably forgot all about it, but
I hope not.
How much I have stitched~
Close up of some of the wonderful motifs~
This is the beautiful original~
Guess what? I have another wonderful sampler
that we are reproducing.  And you say, why 
doesn't she finish the "Marking Sampler" first.
Good question and the answer is that I can never work
on one thing at a time.  I think that is a problem 
that most creative people have.
Here is
"Amanda Dull"
(sorry for the poor pictures, but there is glass
over the sampler and I hesitate to take the
frame apart)
Some of the things I love everything 
about this sampler~
~I have never seen anything like it
~The letters are wonderful
~It is simple, but elegant
~The colors are wonderful
~The frame is to die for. 
 Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce that.

My question to you~
Would you like to see it reproduced
exactly, with all the missing stitches,
or have me fill in the missing
stitches, as well as I can?
Would love to know how you feel 
about this issue.  Usually I reproduce
a sampler as close to the original as
possible, but this one is missing
right much, but I think that only adds
to its charm.
Please let me know what you think
about these wonderful antique samplers.
I hope to have the "Marking Sampler"
finished by the end of the month.  No
promises, but I am really going to try.
"Many Happy Stitches,"


  1. I was actually thinking about the marking sampler recently. I am loving how it looks. Beautiful color.

    I like the new old one too. Boy I am torn about the missing letters, I would try it that way first and see how it looks. It is charming. I love her name and the baskets so much.

    Good choice.


  2. Lovely pieces!! Is it possible to include the missing stitches, but denote on the pattern they are missing on the original?

  3. Sampler and I was just thinking about it the other day and wondering if you were still stitching on it. So happy to see you are continuing to make progress....YAY! Love the new sampler too. Just me maybe, but missing stitching drive me a bit crazy.....:) Hugs, Nan

  4. love your progress ~
    I say keep the integrity of the original pieces and reproduce them as is ~ that's what drew us to it in the first place with it's charm & incompleteness :)

  5. I Love Amanda Dull and I like the idea of giving the stitcher the option - try to make the sampler as complete as it was originally, noting which parts were missing when it came to you. Those who prefer a more primitive look can choose to leave the sampler incomplete while others may want to recreate what the original creator of the sampler intended. That would have the widest appeal too.

  6. Can't wait to see the marking sampler finished. I think you should fill in the missing letters on Amanda Dull so it will be the same as the original. Missing letters drive me a little crazy also.

    Judy in Colorado

  7. I have read the other comments and I agree with the idea of giving the stitcher the option. If you could fill in but some how note that these were the missing stitches. Perhaps they were not missing when the sampler was stitched but were lost over time. I love the sampler and will definitely stitch it when it is available..

  8. I agree with the other ladies. Leave it to the stitcher to decide wether or not with missing stitches or not.
    I would fill in the missing crosses just as Amanda did when she finished this sampler.

    greetings from the Netherlands

  9. I agree with the comments suggesting you chart this in such a way so the stitcher can decide, include both photos in the chart. I agree, I find the originals charming, but with lots missing I personally couldn't stitch that, though I'd have no problem owning an original in that form.

  10. Sandra I love the marking sampler! It is so elegant and beautiful!!! I agree with Lori to reproduce it as is. I can't for it to be finished it is lovely!!

  11. Since I constantly change my mind, I can't answer! I've done pieces with missing stitches and some times wish the chart was complete so I could see the entire piece, and I like seeing the photo of the original so I can choose.

  12. These are both so beautiful! However you decide to stitch the second sampler, I want to stitch it. And I can't wait for the first one to hit the market!

  13. They are both Beautiful!!!
    I always have more than one stitchin' project going at the same time.
    Prim Blessings

  14. Hi Everyone! Thank you for all of your wonderful comments and suggestions. Am still stitching each night on the Marking Sampler~slowing making headway. I have about 2 1/2 more rows to go. In regard to Amanda, I think I will offer it both ways. Not stitched both ways, but at least a graph for both. It will be a a while though before that one is finished. Sorry for the delay in replying, have been a little under the weather still, so I am not as productive as usual.
    Blessings to all,

  15. Tis a beautiful sampler Sandra. I think your idea to offer the two charts is a good one. The stitcher can decide what pleases her/him. Hope you feel right as rain soon! Hugs, Lori
